It is important for beginners to learn these photography tips at an early stage so that they can build a strong foundation in photography and showcase their portfolio as a pro. I wish I knew these tips at earlier stage and it took me years of hard work to learn these 9 photography tips. After knowing these tips, you will will be able to take control of your camera and create the images they envision after gaining a solid understanding of the basics of photography, such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. It is also important for beginners to learn good techniques early on so they won’t develop bad habits later in life that can be hard to break. Because once a habit is developed it’s really hard to change it. So good photography habits at early stage will give your photography a professional look and you can create your brand around that.
Here are 9 Photography tips I wish I knew earlier:
- Learn the basics of your camera
- Practice composition
- Understand the exposure triangle
- Focus on the subject
- Play with depth of field
- Take care of your equipment
- Have fun
- Take lots of photos
- Focus on your branding from start
1. Learn the basics of your camera:
Basic understanding of the functions and settings of your camera is necessary, such as aperture, ISO and shutter speed so that you can at least take control of the images you’re capturing. Different cameras have different shutter speeds and ISO ranges. So make sure you know the settings of your camera. You can read user manuals, search on Internet to learn about these settings. Shutter speed refers to the amount of time that the camera’s shutter is open to allow light to reach the sensor, while ISO refers to the sensitivity of the camera’s sensor to light. On most cameras, this setting can be adjusted in order to achieve different effects, including blurring or freezing motion, or adjusting the overall exposure. Depending on the camera, some features may be more easily adjusted than others.

2. Practice composition:
Being a beginner, practicing composition is essential to take great photos. Pay attention to the arrangement of the way the elements are arranged in your frame, if the are not aligned make them align with the frame. You can use techniques such as the rule of thirds to create balanced and visually interesting and story telling photos. Balance make a photo good looking and helps a photo to convey it’s story. The best thing to learn all these things is to practice.
Practice makes perfect
3. Understand the exposure triangle:
The third photography tip is to learn about exposure triangle. It is the relationship between aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. Make sure you have a good understanding how they work together, this will help you take better control of your camera and capture the images you want. Again, each camera is camera and you should learn these things according to your specific camera. But trust me, it will worth and make your become a pro.
See More Logo Inspiration here:
4. Focus on the subject:
Another photography tip is to focus on the subject of your photo, It is the most important element in taking sharp, clear and wel-composed photos. This is important because the viewer’s eye is naturally drawn to the sharpest part of the image first. When the subject is in focus, it stands out and is more easily recognizable, which will make the photo more impactful and visually interesting and engaging.
5. Play with depth of field:
Playing with depth of field is also very important in professional photography. Because it allows the photographer to control the area and size of the image that is in focus from the foreground to the background. By adjusting the aperture of the lens, the photographer can control how much of the image is in focus, and how much is blurred. Depth of field in your photos can create a sense of distance or closeness between the subject and the background. And make it easy for the viewer to see main area of the image.
6. Take care of your equipment:
That’s a premium tip that I learn after loosing my $700 Nikon AF-S 105mm camera lens. So this tip is coming from the bottom of my heart lol. Keep your camera, lenses and all other equipment clean and well-maintained to ensure that they are always giving you best results. When you go to a photography scene, don’t just throw your equipment on a random place. Explore that place first, find the safest place where you can put your bag of equipment there, keep all your lenses in your bag if they are not in use. Don’t use random cloth to clean your lenses face, there should be a specific cleaning material that you only use for your lenses. Otherwise it will put scratches on your lenses and eventually you will loose them on day.
7. Have fun
Photography should be fun and enjoyable, Have smile on your face while taking photos. Make photography your passion, don’t do it just because you have to do it. When you have passion inn it, then you can enjoy it and will have fun with it. I was taking photos with too much seriousness. It’s in my personality, may be I was too much sophisticated and don’t want to do anything related to fun. But eventually I realize that having fun in life is very important and I started taking time to learn about how I can create fun in my photography life. My clients are now enjoy my company the most than before. So don’t take it too seriously and don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things.
When you’re passionate about something, it brings fun and excitement to everything you do.
8. Take lots of photos:
CAPTURE! CAPTURER! CAPTURE! a lot of photos. It’s very simple, take a thousand photos, throw away the bad ones, and keep the best. That’s how you master the art of photography. Practice is the key to becoming a pro, take as many photos as you can, experiments different things as you can, e.g. different lighting, different angles and different subjects, different style etc. The more you shoot, the more you’ll learn and the better you’ll get.
9. Focus on your branding from start:
I wish I realize the importance of branding in my early photography. But Alas! I don’t know how much I lost but the time proves that just taking photos is not enough to build a career in photography, we have to showcase our work to the world as well. You are lucky that you know about it now. So don’t be miser about spending some money on it. It’s worth and helps you build your brand.
Here are few things that you should have even if you are a beginner photographer:
- Logo Design (See Examples)
- Watermark To Project Your Photos (See How To Make)
- A Social Media Kit
- Social media presence
- A simple portfolio website
These are the least amount of items you need you start building your brand, no matter if you are just starting or you are already a pro. You need these things. I recommend you to visit this branding agency that will help you build your brand: Photoposh. Photoposh is a creative branding agency for photographers.
I hope you learn something from these Photography tips, I learn these tips from my experience and I wish you don’t do the same mistakes that I did in my early stage of photography.