examples of watermarked photos

Watermarked Photos Examples to get ideas.

examples of watermarked photos

Seeing some watermarked photos can help you figure out what your watermark should look like. A watermark is generally a transparent file of your logo in white color with 50% or less opacity depending on how you want to add it. Sometimes a watermark can be a minimalist version of your logo or it can be a part of your logo. There are some cases where people designed their own custom watermark design that has its own unique design elements. But it all depends on how an individual wants his watermark to look like. But for this, you have to look at many examples of watermarks so that you can get some ideas.

A good watermark design is minimalist, single colored and it also reflects the brand. For example: if you are a photographer, the watermark should have some sort of elements related to photography. Like a lens, shutter, camera outline etc. But these elements should be subtle, minimalist or line art illustrations.

Some examples of watermarked photos are as follows:

Watermarked Photo 1:

watermarked photo | underwater
Reflects: Underwater Photography

Hire this watermark designer.

Watermarked Photo 2:

watermarked photo | dogs horse photography
Reflects: Dog Horse Photography Watermark

Hire this watermark designer.

Watermarked Photo 3:

watermarked photos | wedding event
Reflects: Events Photography Watermark

Hire this watermark designer.

Watermarked Photo 4:

watermarked photos | wildlife
Reflects: Fox Photography Watermark

Hire this watermark designer.

Watermarked Photo 5:

watermarked photos | Photobooth
Reflects: Photobooth Watermark

Hire this watermark designer.

Watermarked Photo 6:

watermarked photos | graffiti Photography
Reflects: Graffiti Photography Watermark

Hire this watermark designer.

Watermarked Photo 7:

watermarked photos | real estate
Reflects: Real Estate Photography Watermark

Hire this watermark designer.

Watermarked Photo 8:

watermarked photo | car photography
Reflects: Car Photography Watermark

Hire this watermark designer.

Watermarked Photo 9:

watermarked photo | wedding event
Reflects: Wedding Event Photography Watermark

Hire this watermark designer.

Watermarked Photo 10:

watermarked photos | underwater
Reflects: Underwater Diver Watermark

Hire this watermark designer.

real estate signature logo
drone logo
photobooth logo

No doubt after seeing these watermarked photos now some ideas started comming into your mind. But also keep it in mind that designing a watermark can be tricky especially if you are a non designer. It’s always a good idea to hire someone professional who can design a creative watermark design that reflects your brand. It does not matter if you are a photographer, videographer, tailor or writer, your watermark should reflects your brand. Once your watermark is designed, you can easily put it onto your photos using Watermarquee.

photography logo | photoposh

Get a Creative Watermark Design.

Photoposh is a leading branding agency that is providing service of designing creative watermark design in a reasonable prices. Visit our website and contact us!

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